Who We Are

We are a Saudi innovative tech-startup, 
specialized in  connected  vehicles (V2X) technologies and solutions.

   Vision is to provide the best V2X experience by being the leading platform in Saudi Arabia. 

   Mission is to revolutionize the vehicles interactions in the future cities. We strive to build the full-stack Platform for V2X that enables all the ecosystem stakeholders to create sustainable value.

                 Innovation,  Collaboration,  Excellence,  Integrity,  Trust

Core Team

Eng. H​isham Hammami


▪ Former CIO, Ministry of Hajj and Umrah 
▪ Technology Strategist 
▪ Smart Cities and IoT Expert 
▪ IT Solutions Architect
▪ Information Security Sr Consultant 
▪ Digital Transformation Sr Consultant 

Dr. Ahmad Qadi


▪ Public Relations Consultant 
▪ Marketing Strategist 
▪ Investment Advisor 
▪ Former Dean of Hajj & Umrah 
  Research Institute
▪ Former Dean of  ELI, UQU

Dr. Mazin Alshamrani


▪ Research and Development Expert
▪ Former Q&A Manager, MoHU
▪ Holding Executive MBA, from MBSC
▪ AI and Advanced Technology Active 
  Researcher at Hajj and Umrah institute
▪ Smart Transportation and Smart Cities Consultant

Mr. Fakhri Zanjir


▪ Master International Management, 
  University of Grenoble Alpes, France
▪ Former COO, EVC Co.
▪ Former VP, Wadi Makkah Co. 
▪ Former Technology Advisor, HMM
▪ Technology Transfer Consultant
▪ Stanford GSB LEAD